
Officially nominated for local election 2014

Officially nominated for local election 2014

Now that I am officially nominated as a candidate to contest the South Dublin County Council elections for the Rathfarnham LEA I am officially launching my campaign tonight with a Race Night at Buglers Pub on Ballyboden Road at 8pm. All are welcome!

My little helpers on the canvass

My little helpers on the canvass

I had some great little helpers for the shop local campaign today on the canvass trail! My nephews Adam and Cillian made super canvassers! Thank you all for taking thetime out to listen to why I am running and why it’s important to shop local!

Emma on confidence in chairites

Full video of my speech to the 2014 Fianna Fáil Ard Fhéis demanding the restoration of public confidence in the charity and non profit sector.  

Emma's national coverage on women in politics

Emma’s national coverage on women in politics

Increased participation of women in all aspects of Irish life is an important issue for me, and I believe that it’s important for the people of Ireland too. I received some coverage of my position in today’s Irish Times. You can have a read of it here